32 cm black dolls with afro hair.
-Suitable for 3+
-The dolls come with a dress.
-The doll might come in a different style dress but in same colour.
-Made in EU.
Color: Black
Style: With an Ankara Touch
Fabric: –
Material: PVC
Occasion: None
Votre panier est vide.
32 cm black dolls with afro hair.
-Suitable for 3+
-The dolls come with a dress.
-The doll might come in a different style dress but in same colour.
-Made in EU
32 cm black dolls with afro hair.
-Suitable for 3+
-The dolls come with a dress.
-The doll might come in a different style dress but in same colour.
-Made in EU.
Color: Black
Style: With an Ankara Touch
Fabric: –
Material: PVC
Occasion: None
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